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Use Podio Webforms to bring structured information into your apps

Podio Tip #9

You can add a webform to any of your Podio apps in just a few clicks. Add the form to your website (or we'll host it on a web page for you) and capture structured information to start a process in Podio.

For example:

  • Have job candidates apply through a webform
  • Receive sales enquires directly into your CRM app
  • Collect registrations for events and competitions
  • Set up a simple questionnaire to send to your customers

View our guide and tutorial video to create your own Podio webforms today.

We're sure you'll save a lot of time with webforms - now you'll no longer need to sift through a massive influx of emails or keep separate lists in tools outside of Podio.

If you need any help, don’t hesitate to contact us via support@podio.com.

Best regards,

Team Podio

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